Dreamy mit 10 Jahren
Dreamy mit 18 Monaten
BS, KJS  Daydream of Cherrywood
blue belton, AP/FP, HD-fast normal, WT 13.06.1986
Züchter: Margrit Weichselbaumer - Besitzer: Hilde & Peter Plachy
Int.Ch., ÖCH, CSSR-Ch., BS, LS, KS
Arrow of Cherrywood

dark blue belton
AP, FP, FWP, Schwp.
Ticino McElwyn Int.Ch.,Dt.Ch., LS
Kinley McElwyn
Ch. Janitor McElwyn
Ch. Berryl McElwyn
Oldholbans Rosemary Hepton Orangeman
Oldholbans Rosemary
Anja von der Schrammelstadt Uldimeo McElwyn Ch. Nowgly du long Spinoy
Ch. Lady Pretty-Polly MyElwyn
Cinqua von der Guldegg Vers Wielokropek
Bárányos Hetes
Mariner's April

orange belton
Am.Ch., Ned.Ch., VDH-Ch. Tisbury Gold Rush Orange Ike Am./Can./Mex.Ch. Gold Rush Gold Miner Blues Ch. Clariho Warpaint
Ch. Guyline's Artemis of Cymbria
Tra-Bon's Orange Megan Ch. Clariho Warpaint
Ch.Tra-Bon's Orange Sunshine
Am.Ch., Can.Ch., Ned.Ch., VDH-Ch. Seamrog Glory Hallelujah Am.Ch.
Seamrog Tyson Of Palomar
Ch. Arnee's Nell'Son of Nor'Coaster
Ch. Guys'N Dolls Ziegfried Girl
Am.Ch. Seamrog's Carmarleen Savannah Ch. Guys'N Dolls Onassis
Raybar's Tranquility